After high school graduation in 1992, Lance Corporal (LCpl) Joseph Fortuna enlisted into the United States Marine Corps, where he served from 1992-1998. At the advice of his father, a Marine who served in Vietnam and Desert Storm, LCpl Fortuna became a Marine...
NFM Lending is pleased to honor WWII Veteran, Kenneth Hutcherson, as the NFM Salute for February 2018. After high school graduation in Halifax, Virginia, Hutcherson moved to Baltimore, Maryland in June 1941 and worked for Glen L. Martin Company. After 15 months, he...
After high school graduation in 1963, Ralston voluntarily enlisted into the United States Marine Corps, where he served from 1963-1967. He was immediately deployed to Camp Lejeune in Jacksonville, NC for infantry training. At completion of training, Sgt. Ralston was...
Joseph Canzani entered into the US Military at Fort Meade, MD in 1943 at age 26 and served until 1945. He served as Staff Sergeant of the 1155th Army Air Force Base Unit. He was deployed to Italy in 1944 and served as a Power Turret and Gunsight Mechanic. He received...
Retired Technical Sergeant (TSgt.) Lester Eckman was born in Orofino, Idaho in 1973, and entered the Air Force in November 1995. He attended Basic Training at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas, and Technical School at Goodfellow Air Force Base, as an Electronic System...
Garcia joined the Navy in September 1983, just one month after his 18th birthday. He was part of the first crew of the USS Yorktown CG-48, stationed in Norfolk, VA. His duties included firearms training and maintenance; shipboard security; and Mark 45 5-inch gun mount...